Tuesday, April 16, 2013

syros / vol. 01 / around the house

do you have a special place where your mind goes completely blank and all you can do is take in the light and relax to your fullest? that's syros for me. 
usually i am this person who never stops doing stuff and won't be standing still for long, but whenever i set foot on the island i become a whole new me. like someone is injecting valium into my body without me knowing it. 
this is a small tour of our syros garden, where plants are pretty much everywhere.
in abandoned structures that used to be shelters for animals.

 they co-exist with other species.

they are all preppy in their pots.

they take over the road.

and the house as well.

but of course there's always good company to have breakfast with.

and impromptu sculptures.

and a song for your tuesday. 

1 comment:

Cloudline Chic Flows said...

Flowers and happy gals. The only think missing was me! ;)