Monday, January 28, 2013

lucky number 4

this blog became 4 years old this weekend.
(i am counting the ni.ko wordpress days as well)
my sister became 30 this weekend.
i became happy, i officially became an experienced dancer,
and about half a kilo heavier due to a two layer peanut butter birthday cake i made for her.
this song just made my day.


Cloudline Chic Flows said...

<3 <3 <3 Wishes and smiles. Hugs and cupcakes. All you deserve, cause this blog mirrors the unique character you have. Thanking you for feeding me with inspiration, for filling my heart with hope in the bleak days and thank you for being this wonderful girl!

angelica said...

best wishes to you and your sister! keep walking (and posting and dancing)!!!

new-girl-on-the-blog said...

Happy birthday!! Όσο γράφεις με ψυχή, σ' ακολουθούμε :)